Ikusmira Berriak accepts audiovisual projects at their development stage.

The projects submitted can be of any duration (feature, medium, short films), with no limitations on their subject matter (fiction, non-fiction, etc.).

The projects must be submitted in one of the following categories:
     · NEST (2019-2023)
     · ELÍAS QUEREJETA ZINE ESKOLA (EQZE) (Graduates from the last 4 courses 2021-2024)
     · BASQUE COUNTRY (Basque Country, Navarre and Iparralde. Projects that are mainly spoken in Basque and/or have the Basque community as their framework or theme will also be accepted in this category.)
     · SPAIN

Projects can only be submitted for one category.

Applicants must complete the ONLINE FORM found in the ‘submission’ section and attach a dossier (as a single pdf file) with the following:

Long synopsis (1-2 pages)
Plot treatment (8-12 pages)
Letter of intent (1-2 pages)
Production details (2-3 pages): 
     · Information about the production company (if you have one)
     · Budget (broken down into costs)
     · Financing plan
Director’s CV and bio/filmography (1-2 pages)

6.Language of the dossier: 
     · Spanish speaking filmmakers must submit the dossier (preferentially) in Basque, Spanish and (optionally) in English. 
     · Filmmakers in the Basque Country category must submit the dossier (preferentially) in Basque or Spanish and (optionally) in English.
     · All other filmmakers must submit the dossier in English.

In the event of having previously directed one or several works, applicants must include links for their online viewing in point 6 of the form.

The deadline for submitting projects for the 2025 residency is September 2nd 2024 at 23:59  - (CET)

A preselection committee made up of professionals from the field of film will make a first selection based on the material submitted.

The Ikusmira Berriak selection committee, made up of members of Tabakalera, the San Sebastian Festival and the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, will make the final selection.

The six selected projects will be notified in November 2024. Once the conditions for participation have been confirmed, the selected projects will be announced in early December 2024. 

A total of six residencies will be awarded. 

The committee can decide not to accept any of the submissions in one of the categories and/or to award more than one residency in any of the other categories.

Once the selection has been made, those selected will have a one week to accept the residency; at this point they can no longer change the subject of the project submitted.

The committee compiles a waiting list for each group of applicants, who will have the opportunity of a residency in the event that any of those initially selected do not finally participate.


Ikusmira Berriak will take place in the city of Donostia-San Sebastian, at the Tabakalera-International Centre for Contemporary Culture facilities. The residency will run for 8 weeks divided into two periods: six weeks from March-April 2025 and two weeks in September 2025.

Once accepted, those selected will have one week to accept the residency. 

The filmmakers can no longer change the project once it has been selected, but must abide by the dossier submitted for the call.

The filmmakers must accept the following obligations: 

To stay in the accommodation for the length of the residency. In the event of being unable to do so at any time, they must give prior notice.

To participate in all activities programmed as part of Ikusmira Berriak. 

To submit all documentation required by the organisation. 

To donate the material used for the project (and the film once completed) to the Ikusmira Berriak archive, and to contribute to audiovisual registration of the programme (for the archive, website and social networks). 

The programme will cover the filmmakers’ travel, accommodation and per diem costs. 

The filmmakers can use the Tabakalera and EQZE facilities (work spaces, cinema, access to document archives, equipment, etc.). 

Each project will receive a financial development grant in June so that they can continue to work on their project in the period between the two residencies. 

The programme will invite the producer of the selected project to San Sebastian for the second stage of the residency (in September), coinciding with the Film Festival. The invitation will include 4 nights’ accommodation and a Festival accreditation. The producer undertakes to fulfil the professional agenda sent to them beforehand.

The programme includes an accreditation for the San Sebastian Festival (for the exclusive and non-transferable use of its holder), giving free access to all cinemas and screenings, to the facilities open to the public and accredited guests and to the agenda of professional activities, provided that the holder respects the protocol stipulated by the organisation. It also includes an invitation to the official events and parties.

During the Festival, the participants will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to industry members and will be given a personalised agenda of meetings with professionals interested in participating in their projects.

The six selected projects will receive a certificate of participation from the Ikusmira Berriak management. 

The name of IKUSMIRA BERRIAK and the institutions involved, as well as their logos, must be inserted in the opening credits of the projects / films once they have been completed.

Include a caption and a logo placard that will be provided by the organisation for works in the WIP phase and finalised before they are exhibited at film festivals.   



