Year of residence

2016 – 2nd edition

While studying audio-visual communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, he worked for the advertising production firm Agosto, he wrote and directed several short films, including Primo (2008), Los gatos del tejado (2009) and Rojo en el agua (2010). In 2011 he was awarded a scholarship from Obra Social “la Caixa” to study a master's degree in film direction at the London Film School. During this period, he directed the documentary Txoria, the commercial Chessmates and developed the dramaturgy for the choreography Automatich Flesh by the Rambert Dance Company, which premiered in the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London. His graduation film, Foxes, was awarded, among others, the prize for best fiction in the Students category at the Montreal Festival des Filmes du Monde and was selected for Kimuak 2015 catalogue. His theatre fiction project, Soka, was chosen for the New Dramaturgies project. He is currently developing a feature-length drama, Heldu (Hold), produced by Eva Sigurdardottir and selected by EAVE.

2008 - Primo.
2009 - Los gatos del tejado.
2013 - Chessmates.
2013 - Txoria.
2015 - Foxes.

Suro was awarded with the REC Award, valued with 35.000 euros for its future postproduction  in Rec Studios. After Ikusmira Berriak, Suro was selected to be part of the 7th L’Alternativa Professionals Symposium of the 23rd Independent Barcelona Film Festival. Laura Rubirola and Claudia Maluerda, from Tándem Entertainment and, Sergio Moreno and Tono Folguera, from Lastor Media, will produce Mikel’s feature fiction film. The project has finalized the script writing phase and is currently in an advanced stage of development. 

Mikel Gurrea


